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3.3 Configuring Additional Features

Configuring Additional Features

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Configuring Additional Features

3.3 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

📋 Setup

Select Admin in the side menu

Select Client configuration from the Admin sub-menu

📘 Steps

1️⃣ In the Rich Text Editor section, under the Features heading, select the features to enable

2️⃣ [optional] Enable block quotes – allow indented block quotes

3️⃣ [optional] Enable HR – allow horizontal rules

4️⃣ [optional] Enable image edit – allow images to be inserted and edited

5️⃣ [optional] Enable link edit – allow links to be inserted and edited

6️⃣ [optional] Enable paragraph styles multiselect – allow multiple paragraph styles to be applied to a single paragraph element

7️⃣ [optional] Enable video edit – allow videos to be inserted and edited

8️⃣ Click Save

⚙️ Verifying the Configuration

3.3 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

Select Pages from the side menu

Select a Task

Select a Page

Select the Content tab

In the title bar, click the expander arrow button to expand filter options

Select a Locale and Variant

Select a Component with Rich Text from the list on the right-hand side


1️⃣ Use block quotations – select Increase or Decrease from the Quote menu in the Rich Text Editor toolbar to increase or decrease the block quotation level

2️⃣ Use horizontal rules – click Insert Horizontal Line button to insert a horizontal rule

3️⃣ Use paragraph styles multiselect – select multiple paragraph styles from the Paragraph Styles dropdown menu and click the Code View button to check that the classes have been applied

4️⃣ Use links – click the Insert Link button, fill out the link information, and click Insert; click on the link to view its editing menu; hover to view its title

5️⃣ Use images – click the Insert Image button, enter the image URL, and click Insert; click on the image to view its editing menu

6️⃣ Use videos – click the Insert Video button, enter the video URL, and click Insert; click on the video to view its editing menu

(warning) Warnings

3.3 Excerpts: User Journey Info/Warning

This feature is not Task-protected – changes, including deletions, are effective immediately and are not reversible

🔖 References

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