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4.0 Configuring Table Classes

Configuring Table Classes

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Configuring Table Classes

4.0 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

📋 Setup

Select Admin in the side menu

Select Client configuration from the Admin sub-menu

📘 Steps

1️⃣ In the Rich Text Editor section, under the Collections - Table classes heading, click the Add button

2️⃣ Enter the name of the CSS class in the Name field that should become available for use on table elements in the Rich Text Editor

3️⃣ Enter the display text for this class in the Value field – this display text will be visible in the Rich Text Editor UI when selecting table classes to use

4️⃣ Repeat for the Collections - Table cell classes heading to add classes that may be applied to table cell elements in the Rich Text Editor

5️⃣ Click Save

⚙️ Verifying the Configuration

4.0 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

Select Pages from the side menu

Select a Task

Select a Page

Select the Content tab

In the header bar, click the expander arrow if the filter options are hidden

Select a Locale and Variant

Select a Component with Rich Text from the list on the right-hand side


1️⃣ Click the Insert Table icon in the Rich Text Editor toolbar

2️⃣ Select any table dimensions

3️⃣ Click on the inserted table to view its editing menu

4️⃣ Click the Cell Style icon and choose a table cell style from the dropdown

5️⃣ click the Table style icon and choose a table style from the dropdown

6️⃣ Click the Code View icon

7️⃣ Observe that the table and table cell classes have been applied to the table and table cell elements

:note: Notes

The name of the class goes in the Name field; the display name/text goes in the Value field

(warning) Warnings

4.0 Excerpts: User Journey Info/Warning

This feature is not Task-protected – changes, including deletions, are effective immediately and are not reversible

🔖 References

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