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4.0 Glossary

Above the Fold

The expandable/collapsible filter options area above the main content area and below the title bar.

Approved Content

Release-ready content that completed Tasks are merged into.

Audit History

The feature wherein all user actions are recorded and viewable.

Audit History Item

A single item in Audit History results.

Azure subscription

A logical container for your resources. Each Azure resource is associated with only one subscription.

CMS instance

A single deployment or installation of the Forrit CMS.

Each instance of the CMS can have multiple Projects for managing different sets of content.

However, you might use entirely separate instances of the CMS to air-gap different streams of work (sometimes this is used to separate dev and prod environments).

The CMS instance includes its Consumer Applications and the resources to run them and the CMS.


A Collection is a section of a Component that can be repeated by content editors in the Page Editor.

Collection Item

A single item in a Collection: a single repetition of the Collection.

Collection Variable

Collection Variables are Variables declared within a Collection that allow different Content Items to be inserted in every iteration of the Collection.


A reusable block of content created by developers and used by content editors to build Pages.

Component Template

A special Component that other Components can be inserted into when building Pages in the Page Editor.

Component Template Slot

A Component Template Slot is a placeholder in a Component Template where Components can be inserted.

Component Type

Components can be one of three types: Head, Body, or Head/Body. This type determines where Components can be placed in a Page Layout. Designated by developers in the Component Editor.

Consumer Application

An application that consumes Forrit One content using the SDK.

Consumer Route

An External Redirect whose destination URL can be configured for specific Consumer Applications.


The information managed by Forrit One that is used in Consumer Applications.

For example: Pages, Components, and Media Items; but not users, roles, or Workflows.

See also Task-protected features.

Content Entry

Custom, structured content based on a Content Type.

Has a Content Entry Field for each Content Type Field.

Can be used as content directly in Consumer Applications by developers.

Content Entry Field

A single field in a Content Entry. Has a name and a value.

The name is the Content Entry Field Name and the value is the Content Entry Field Value.

Content Entry Field Name

Inherited from the Content Type Field Name.

Used to identify and reference the Content Entry Field.

Content Entry Field Value

May be a default value inherited from the Content Type Field.

Defined by content editors in the Content Entry Editor and used as content in Consumer Applications.

The type of value that can be used is determined by the corresponding Content Type Field Value.

Content Item

Content Items are the values inserted into Pages where Component Variables create a placeholder for them.

Content Item Type

The type of data that can be used in a Content Item.

The same as the Variable Type of the corresponding Variable for the Content Item.

Content Type

Defines a template for Content Entries.

Made up of one or more Content Type Fields that determine the Content Entry Fields created.

Content Type Editor

The feature wherein Content Types and their Content Type Fields are edited.

Includes the Reference Links Tree.

Content Type Field

A single field in a Content Type. Has a name and a type.

The name is the Content Type Field Name and the type is the Content Type Field Type.

Content Type Field Name

Inherited by Content Entry Fields.

Used to identify and reference the Content Type Field.

Content Type Field Type

Defines the type of value that can be inserted into the corresponding Content Entry Fields.

Content Type Library

The feature wherein Content Types are listed and browsed.

Date Selector

The calendar interface from which dates and date ranges can be chosen, such as when in the Audit History feature.

External Redirect

A redirect from within a Consumer Application to outside of it – to an external destination URL.

External Redirects have the same destination URL for all Consumer Applications, unlike Consumer Routes.


The ‘Library’ feature contains the:

  • Content Library

  • Media Library

  • Picklists

Media Item

A single item in the Media Library – for example, an image or CSS file.

Media Item Details Pane

The pane with options for a particular Media Item, such as file details, image cropping, static route, and tags. Displayed on the right-hand side in the Media Library.

Media Library

The central location where Media Items can be added, viewed, and edited.


A list of values that may be used in a Content Item.

Picklist Item

A single value that may be selected from a Picklist.


A Page is an arrangement of Components and Content Items.

Represents a web page. Has a configured URL from which it can be accessed in Consumer Applications.

Page Editor

The feature wherein Pages are edited.

For example, It contains the Page Layout Editor and the Page Content Editor.

Page Layout

The layout of Components associated with a Page.

Page Layout Editor

The feature wherein a Page Layout can be viewed and edited.

Page Content

The content of a Page – the Components and Content Items on a Page.

Page Content Editor

The feature wherein Page Content can be viewed and edited.

Page Template Slot

A special Component that can be used in a Page Template’s Page Layout as a placeholder where templated Pages may insert Components.

Page Tree

A hierarchical list of Pages in a file/folder directory style.

Page Tree Item

A single item in the Page Tree, such as a Page, Page Template, or Page Tree Folder.

Page Tree Folder

A folder in the Page Tree that may contain Page Tree Items.


A space to manage related content.

Each Project encapsulates and separately manages the entire suite of Forrit One features:

  • Tasks

  • Pages

  • Page Templates

  • Components

  • Component Templates

  • Content Entries

  • Content Types

  • Media Items

  • Picklists

  • Translation Jobs

  • Task Reviews

  • Releases

  • Audit History

  • Locales

  • Variants

  • Workflows

  • Routing Manager

  • Users

  • Roles

  • Client Configuration

Project Dashboard

The Dashboard from which Projects can be opened.


A package of CMS content at a point in time that is ready to be used by Consumer Applications.

Release Storage

The storage space where Releases are stored and where content is retrieved from using the SDK.

A Content Type Field that links to another Content Type.

As a result, Content Types can be composed of other Content Types.

In turn, Content Entries that inherit a Reference Link field can link to other Content Entries.

Reference Link Collection

A Reference Link field in a Content Type that is marked as a collection.

Allows content editors to link multiple Content Entries of that type to the same field.

Reference Links Tree

Shows how Content Types and Content Entries are linked together.

Can be seen in the Content Type Editor and Content Entry Editor.

Reference Links Pane

The collapsible side panel containing the Reference Links Tree in the Content Type Editor.


The Rich Text Editor.


A Task is a draft working space within a Project – changes in a Task do not affect the Approved Content.

If the changes in a Task are successfully reviewed and approved in Task Review they can be added to the Approved Content by completing the Task.

Task-protected features

If a feature is ‘Task-protected’ then it can only be edited within the safety of a Task. This means changes in those features, including deletions, do not affect the Approved Content until the containing Task is completed. Features that are not Task-protected immediately update Forrit One for all users when updated.

Features that are Task-protected are typically those that may affect the content of Releases – and therefore the content of Consumer Applications.

The following features are Task-protected:

  • Pages

  • Page Templates

  • Components

  • Component Templates

  • Content Entries

  • Content Types

  • Media Items

  • Picklists

  • Locales

  • Variants

  • Routing Manager

The following features are NOT Task-protected:

  • Tasks

  • Task Reviews

  • Translation Jobs

  • Users

  • Roles

  • Client Configuration

  • Audit History

  • Workflows

  • Releases

Task Review

The feature in which Task changes are reviewed and, subject to Workflow approvals, completed and merged into the Approved content.

Task Dropdown

A dropdown menu for selecting Tasks.

Shown in the top-right of the UI, in the top bar.

Can also be used to create or close Tasks, but not delete them.

Task Dashboard

The ‘dashboard’ in the UI that displays Tasks.

Template Slot

Either a Page Template Slot or a Component Template Slot, depending on the context in which the term is used.

templated Page

A Page created from a Page Template.


A tenant is an identity within Azure (e.g. you or your team or company), which can own one or more subscriptions.


Any user of Forrit One.

Users may fall under typical personas such as content editors, developers, or administrators.

Component Variable

A placeholder in a Component that Content Items can be inserted into when the Component is added to a Page by content editors.

Component Variable – Simple

A Variable that does not include a full stop in its name – for example @cat and @dog are considered Simple Variables.

Component Variable – Complex

A Variable that includes a full stop in its name, for example or

Complex Variables with the same prefix are displayed in a grouping in the Page Content Editor.

Component Variable Type

Variables can be of the following types:

  1. Media Item

  2. Number (integer)

  3. Number (real)

  4. Picklist

  5. Rich Text

  6. Text

  7. True / False

The Variable Type defines the type of data that can be used in the corresponding Content Item.


A series of approvals required in a Task Review to complete a Task.

Workflow Stage

One approval in a Workflow.

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