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4.0 Setting a Static Route for a Media Item

Add a static route like /cat to a Media Item so that you easily can access it at e.g. in your applications.

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Setting a Static Route for a Media Item

4.0 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

📋 Setup

Select a Task

Click Library in the side menu

Select Media from the Library sub-menu

In the header bar, click the expander arrow if the filter options are hidden

📘 Steps

1️⃣ Select a Media Item

2️⃣ Type a route into the Static route field

3️⃣ Click Save static route


Setting a static route of cat or /cat is the same – the / will be added automatically

Don’t forget to create and publish a Release before using your new static routes:

  • To use in a staging environment, create a Release from the Task and publish it to your staging environment

  • To use in a production environment, complete the Task, create a Release from the Approved Content and publish it to your production environment

The Get Link button gives you a link that you can use to manually link Media Items into your CMS content where you otherwise wouldn’t be able to – for example:

  • In older versions of the CMS there was no button in the Rich Text Editor toolbar to include Media Items, so you would have to use Get Link and paste the link in manually instead

Get Link returns text that looks something like the following:

  • ctx-media-reference-7362676b-3b67-4bc6-8ab2-ad69f32f4f30

Despite not looking like a link (or URL), you can use it as one in your CMS content – the CMS will replace it with a real URL when you create a Release.

In older versions of the CMS, Get Link returned an absolute URL. However, using absolute URLs is discouraged as they may change and stop working in future.

Media Item routes can also be viewed in the Routing Manager

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