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4.0 Using the Tag Control

Using the Tag Control

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Using the Tag Control

📋 Setup

Navigate to a tag control, such as in Pages → Select a Page → Page Settings

📘 Steps

1️⃣ Enter a tag into the Tags field

2️⃣ Enter multiple tags using comma separators

3️⃣ Hit ENTER or use the + icon to add the tags

4️⃣ Add additional tags

5️⃣ Tags can be deleted using the x on the tag or by pressing BACKSPACE

6️⃣ Click the bin icon and click Yes to delete all tags

:note: Notes

Tags make it easier to search and filter items

Tags are saved automatically

The following items can be tagged:

  • Components

  • Content Items

  • Content Types

  • Content Entries

  • Media Items

  • Pages

  • Releases

  • Task Reviews

  • Picklists

(warning) Warnings

Deleting tags may make it more difficult to search for an item

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