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FAQ's v3.1

Q: When I navigate to the Page Tree, I can’t see the option to add a page or folder?

A: Check you have selected a task on the menu bar at the top.

Q: When I am in the dashboard, I can not clone or delete a task?

A: You must select a task to clone or delete a task from the dashboard.

Q: Why can’t I Complete a Task Review?

A: You must have another User review the Task and apply the appropriate level of Approvals.

Q: Within a Data Feed Item, why is my selection within the Timezone dialog not affecting the Date & Time?

A: The dialog doesn’t change the saved Date & Time; it just allows you to check what that time is elsewhere.

Q: Why can’t I use a separator for multi-select picklists in Data Feeds Definitions

A: When using multi-select picklists in DFDs, the multiple values are stored as a JSON array. This allows developers to consume their content in any way they please, meaning it is unnecessary to select a separator here like you might need to in the component editor.

Q: Why should I use picklists?

A: Picklists have been created to give developers and component creators the frequently requested ability to select commonly used text values from a dropdown menu. This enables them to have cleaner code in a component (instead of 5 variable declarations, you only need one) and allows content editors to see the options available more easily.

Q: I have cloned a Data Feed Item and the tags have disappeared. Where have they gone?

A: Tags are not included in the cloning operation and must be added manually to the new cloned Data Feed item.

Q: What happens when I set a default value on a Data Feed Definition that has already been used to create Data Feed Items?

A: If you set a default value on a data field, the change will cascade to all of the Data Items using this definition unless you have already overwritten the empty value of the data field.


Defect 35859:

Pagination: Error 500 is thrown when a user selects the ‘last page’ control when you

If there are a large number of 500 error thrown when greater than xxxx records. If you have (nn pages), and try to jump direct to the last page, the records cannot be returned and a 500 error will be displayed. This is due to an Azure limit with returning records. The workaround is to paginate by groups of pages , or use search to find objects.hen you



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