Setting up a picklist within a component.
Once a picklist has been created and set up, it must be implemented onto a component. Follow these steps:
Using the left-hand side navigation menu, browse to Components
Select an existing task, or create a new task
Select an existing component, or create a new component
Within your component, declare a variable
When you have finished entering your markup, select the Configure Variable button
Select Picklist from the Variable type dropdown menu
Select your desired picklist from the Picklist dropdown menu
Depending on your requirement, select either Single select or Multi select:
Single select will allow you to insert the text value from one picklist item of your choosing during content editing
Multi select will allow you to insert the text value from multiple picklist items of your choosing during content editing
A separator can be selected that will define how the picklist values are separated
If necessary, select a default value you want to apply to this picklist
Once you are satisfied with your variable declaration, select Save