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Summary of Changes v4.1

Version 4.1 brings improved multi-Project support and security updates, as well as other general improvements and bug fixes.

For content editors


  • Malware scanning IMPROVEMENT

    • Real-time malware scanning on all files before upload to the Media Library.

  • Support for large numbers of Projects IMPROVEMENT

    • You can now have large numbers of Projects (e.g. 1000+).

Bug fixes

Media Library

  • BUGFIX You are now correctly prevented from selecting Media Items that have failed to upload, which could previously cause an error.


  • BUGFIX Releases no longer sometimes fail when the Release includes multiple Variants.

  • BUGFIX Releases no longer sometimes fail when the Release includes a large number of Page changes.

Audit History

  • BUGFIX Audit History could sometimes be slow to load. This has been rectified.

Page Editor

  • BUGFIX The Page Editor is no longer sluggish when viewing large Pages.

Known issues

Rich Text Editor

  • Editing around captioned images KNOWN ISSUE

    • Users are unable to easily edit content around an image if a caption has been added.

  • Edit controls position while scrolling KNOWN ISSUE

    • The floating edit controls can move outside of the expected boundaries while scrolling.

  • Insert image cursor jump KNOWN ISSUE

    • After inserting an image, the cursor jumps to the beginning of the Rich Text area.

  • Video resizing KNOWN ISSUE

    • Users are unable to change the size of inserted videos.

For developers

Known issues

  • Cutting and pasting in the Component Editor KNOWN ISSUE

    • In the Component Editor, cutting and pasting code deletes Variables and recreates them, deleting all Content Items associated with them and resetting the Variable Type to the default – Text. This affects Page content, not just Component default values. If the containing Task is completed, the Content Items are permanently deleted.

    • You can work around this by copying instead of cutting.

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