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3.3 Adding a Picklist

Adding a Picklist

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Adding a Picklist

3.3 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

📋 Setup

Select a Task

Click Library in the side menu

Select Picklists from the Library sub-menu

In the title bar, click the expander arrow button to expand filter options

📘 Steps

1️⃣ Click the Add new picklist button

2️⃣ Enter a name for the Picklist

3️⃣ [optional] Enter a description for the Picklist

4️⃣ Click Add

📚 Additional Steps

Picklists must include at least one Picklist Item

3.3 Adding a Picklist Item

📘 Steps

1️⃣ [optional] Click the pencil icon on the Picklist to add items to, if it already exists; if adding a Picklist Item immediately after creating a Picklist, skip this step

2️⃣ Click Add new picklist item

3️⃣ Enter a name for the Picklist Item

4️⃣ Enter a value for the Picklist Item

5️⃣ Click Add

6️⃣ Click Save

:note: Notes

Picklists can include up to 500 items

Picklists must be created with at least one item

Picklists create a dropdown list of options for content editors to choose from

3.3 Excerpts: User Journey References

🔖 References

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