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3.3 Browsing Components

Browsing Components

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Browsing Components

3.3 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

📋 Setup

Select a Task

Select Components from the side menu

In the title bar, click the expander arrow button to expand filter options

📘 Steps

1️⃣ Type into the Search field to filter by text

2️⃣ Enter tags into the Filter Tags field to filter by tag

3️⃣ Select from the Sort by dropdown to change the sort

4️⃣ Click the arrow on the right-hand side of the Sort by dropdown to toggle between ascending and descending sort order

5️⃣ Select from the All, Template, and Standard options to:

  1. All – Show all Components

  2. Template – Show only Component Templates

  3. Standard – Show only Components

6️⃣ Click the List View / Grid View button to toggle view modes

7️⃣ Use the pagination controls in the bottom right corner to view more results

3.3 Excerpts: User Journey References

🔖 References

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