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3.3 Release Concept: Content Editor

Conceptual Overview

A Release is a package of content that is ready to be used in live applications

Once you have completed your content edits and are ready to publish them, you’ll first need to create a Release. A Release can be created from a Task or from the Approved Content. Once a Release has been created, you can easily publish it to a Consumer Application of your choosing. Note, however, that Releases created from Tasks can only be published to non-production environments.

Conceptual Diagram

Important Note on Content Publishing and Management

  1. Irreversibility of Published Content: Once content is published through the CMS, it is not possible to roll it back. This irreversible process is a deliberate design aspect of our headless CMS architecture, ensuring the security and stability of your published content.

  2. Corrective Actions for Published Content:

    • Immediate Republishing: In the event of an error after publishing, you have the option to promptly initiate a new Task with the corrected content and republish it. This action will replace the erroneous content with the corrected version.

    • Re-Publishing Previous Release: Alternatively, you can re-publish the content using a previous Release, which will overwrite the current content with the earlier version.

  3. Considerations for Content Changes:

    • No Internal Copies: It is crucial to note that the CMS does not retain copies of Tasks once they have been completed and merged into the Approved Content, nor are there copies of previous versions of the Approved Content – other than existing Releases, which cannot be rolled back into the Approved Content. Therefore, changes in the Approved Content cannot be retrieved from the CMS.

    • Requirement to Restart: In rare cases where published content needs to be corrected or reverted, and no previous version is available for republishing, and the Approved Content has been significantly altered or deleted, it will be necessary to recreate the content from the beginning before re-releasing it.

  4. Recommendation for Approval Process: Given the irreversible nature of content publishing in this CMS, we strongly advise exercising diligence and thoroughness in the Workflows content approval process. Ensuring the accuracy and readiness of content before publishing is critical to avoid the need for corrective actions, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

User Journeys

  1. Creating and publishing Releases

3.3 Excerpts: Glossary Section


See the Glossary for more information.

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