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3.3 Using the Component Editor

Using the Component Editor

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Using the Component Editor

3.3 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

📋 Setup

Select a Task

Select Components from the side menu

In the title bar, click the expander arrow button to expand filter options

📘 Steps

Getting Started

1️⃣ Click the pencil icon on the Component to be edited

Changing the Font Size

1️⃣ Click the ‘Tt’ button to decrease the editor font size

2️⃣ Click the ‘T button to reset the editor font size

3️⃣ Click the ‘tT’ button to increase the editor font size

Undoing and Redoing Edits

1️⃣ Type HTML into the editor and use the TAB or ENTER keys to use suggestions

2️⃣ Click the back arrow button to undo edits

3️⃣ Click the forward arrow button to redo edits

Configuring Variables

1️⃣ Click the Configure variables button to view and edit Variables [link]

Changing the Head/Body Status

1️⃣ Click the Head/Body buttons to select where the Component can be placed in a Page Layout

Fullscreen Editing

1️⃣ Click the fullscreen button to put the editor into fullscreen mode

2️⃣ Click the fullscreen button again to exit fullscreen mode

Finishing up

1️⃣ Click the Save button to save changes

2️⃣ Click the Close button to finish

:note: Notes

The Component Editor provides HTML syntax highlighting and autocompletion support

3.3 Excerpts: User Journey References

🔖 References

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