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Forrit One Guide for Consumer App and SDK in v3.1


This section is aimed at developers and describes how to set up a Consumer App to run a website built with the Forrit CMS.


Consumer apps



The Consumer App connects to the Forrit system through a Manifest Service provided by Forrit in the private Nuget package Forrit.Content.

The Manifest Service provides access to Pages created in the CMS. The Manifest Service ensures that content updates are quickly distributed to servers around the world.

As the developer of a Consumer App, you are responsible for connecting to the Manifest Service and pulling the content to display in the Consumer App.


Pages can be customized using Context Variants that are defined in the CMS. The Consumer App is responsible for implementing the business logic that selects the appropriate Variant for a given incoming page request.

As the developer of a Consumer App, you are responsible for the creation of a Variant Provider, which conforms to the IVariantProvider interface. This provider is responsible for implementing your variant business logic, returning the variant which should be used for each request.

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