3.3 Project Concept: Developer
Conceptual Overview
A Project is a single repository of content
Whenever you create content, it is stored within the context of a Project. In the Forrit One UI, Projects are content repositories you can switch between; in the Forrit One backend, Projects are their own database and storage instance.
This means Projects each have their own Pages, Components, Media, and more – and, correspondingly, Releases. Projects also store some non-content data for the purpose of its administration, such as users, roles, and workflows. Essentially, any data that is created in or managed by the Forrit One UI is segregated by Project.
Projects are thus highly isolated from one another, and are typically used to safely provide bespoke content to different enterprise applications. For example, applications running on different domains and managed by separate teams might each require distinct content, release timelines, and administration – all features that Projects offer.
Conceptual Diagram
User Journeys
See the Glossary for more information.