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Adding descriptions to your Data Feed fields v3.1


The following guide demonstrates how to add descriptions to fields in Data Feeds.


Create a Data Feed v3.1

Data Feeds v3.1

Create a New Task v3.1

Tasks v3.1


You can now add descriptions to Data Feed fields, which allows you to offer more context on the the purpose of each field in a Data Feed.

  1. Using the left-hand side navigation menu, browse to Data Feed Definitions

  2. Select an existing task, or create a new task

  3. Select an existing DFD, or create a new DFD

  4. Select an existing data feed field, or create a new field

  5. In the Description text box, enter text to offer context on the usage of the data feed field

  6. Once you are satisfied with your changes, select Save

The Description you created will now appear in the Data Feed Items editing experience. This change will apply retroactively to existing Data Feed Items.

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