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Create a New Component v3.1


The purpose of this work instruction is to provide the steps for creating a Component.


Navigating Forrit One CMS

Create a New Task v3.1


HTML markup & CSS


Working with the Page Tree v3.1

Creating a component

  • Navigate to the Components page from the side menu.

  • Ensure a task is selected.

  • Click Add new component.

  • Enter a name and description then press Save. The component editor screen will open automatically.

  • Enter the desired HTML. The text below shows an example of the component HTML.

    <div class="container">
        <div class="col-lg-7 col-xs-7 col-sm-7 col-md-7">
            <img src="@Img.url" alt="@Content.Image_alt">
        <div class="col-lg-5 col-xs-5 col-sm-5 col-md-5">
            <p class="font-grey">@Content.Paragraph_text</p>
            <div ctx-foreach="link in Content.Links">
                <a href="@link.Href" id="@link.Client_id" class="ctex-cta @link.Classes" target="@link.Target" aria-label="@link.Aria_label" data-hide="@link.Hide" onclick="@link.Event">
  • Note there are several @ symbols in the HTML above. These each represent an editable variable.

  • Click on the Configure Variables button.

  • The variables screen allows the user to set up each of the variables.

  • Select the type for each variable. Variable types can be one of:

    • Media Item

    • Number (integer)

    • Number (real)

    • Rich Text

    • Text

    • True/False

  • To add a default value to a variable, select the Use default value toggle button. A field will appear to allow the user to set the default value.

  • For text values which are visible on the website and may need to be translated, the Translatable toggle button should be selected.

  • Complete the configuration then select Return to editor. This returns to the component editor screen.

  • Note that whenever you modify the HTML in a way that adds new variables, you must navigate to the variables screen before you are able to save the component.

  • Select Save.

  • If you are finished with the component, select Close to return to the component grid view.

Notes about the Rich Text Editor

The rich text editor is a tool that allows the style of a piece of text to be formatted without using HTML markup. It appears when using the rich text variable type.

The controls are similar to standard Word formatting controls. Hover over each icon to determine its function.

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