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Something not working?

From time to time, something may go wrong that needs our attention. If the issue requires technical support from Forrit, please send the details through email either in the body of an email, or you may send an excel sheet as you wish.

Please send critical and noncritical issues to your project contacts who will in turn stand up the incident management procedure.

Please use the table below as a guide to send us all the information which will help us in investigating the issue to a fast and satisfactory resolution.


A one line description


Give a good description of what the issue and what you were doing when you encountered the problem.

Reproduction Steps

If it is clearly a defect then, please provide a list of steps you were doing to product the result, and if you have seen this before.

In the event of configuration issues or platform support this may not always be relevant so please feel free to just complete the description.

Screen shots of error messages are also helpful.

Criticality to your current work

Please let us know if this is time critical or not.

Contact Person

A name and email address of contact people, including backups in case someone is out of office.

Response & Acknowledge Times

We aim to respond to incidents as soon as possible, please refer to SLA’s defined in your contract.

Once an incident enters the Forrit work queue, it will be addressed according to its Criticality.

See the Critical Incidents and Non-Critical Incidents for more information.

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