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4.0 Add a Content Entry

Content Entries are similar to Data Feed Items from v3.3, which have been removed

Users must be granted the Content editor permission by an administrator to access Content Entries.

👥 User Journey

Add a Content Entry User Journey

📋 Setup

Select a Task

In the side menu, click Library

In the sub-menu that appears, click Content entries

In the header bar, click the expander arrow if the filter options are hidden

📘 Steps

Click Add new entry

On the Content Type to use as a basis for your Content Entry, click the + icon

For Name, enter a name for the Content Entry

[Optional] For Locale, select a Locale to edit

For Fields, fill out the required Content Entry Fields

For more information about editing Content Entry Fields, see Edit a Content Entry Field

Click Save

Return to the Content Entry Library

To return to the Content Entry Library, click Close


The Name of a Content Entry must be:

  • Minimum 3 characters long

  • Maximum 100 characters long

  • Unique per Project (not used in other Tasks or in the Approved Content)

Content Entry fields can be of the following types:

  • Boolean

  • Date Time

  • Number (real)

  • Number (integer)

  • Media item

  • Reference Link

  • Rich text

  • Text

  • Picklist

🔖 References

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