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4.0 Edit a Content Entry Field

Content Entries are similar to Data Feed Items from v3.3, which have been removed

Users must be granted the Content editor permission by an administrator to access Content Entries.

👥 User Journey

Edit a Content Entry Field User Journey

📋 Setup

Select a Task

In the side menu, click Library

In the sub-menu that appears, click Content entries

In the header bar, click the expander arrow if the filter options are hidden

Click Add new entry or edit an existing Content Entry

📘 Steps

You can edit values in the following ways:

  1. By changing the currently selected Locale in the header and directly editing the fields

  2. By clicking Configure locale values for a specific field, where all its Locale values can be edited

The first method lets you edit all fields for a particular Locale; the second lets you edit all Locale values for a particular field

Steps for all fields

Observe hints

[Optional] Use the Hint on the right-hand side to help you choose the right value

Enable or disable content

[Optional] To enable or disable the content of a field for the currently selected Locale, in the top-right, click the Set content toggle

  • If the Set content toggle is disabled, the Locale value may be populated by fallback rules

Configure Locale values

[Optional] To configure values for the field in different Locales, click Configure locale values

[Optional] To enable or disable content for a Locale, click the Set content toggle

  • These toggles are the same as the ones in the top-right corner of the fields in the editor

[Optional] Fill out values for the enabled Locales

  • The Locale values are displayed in hierarchical structure according to their fallback relationships

  • Setting a value for a Locale at the top of this hierarchy trickles down to those that are indented underneath (but only where the content toggles are disabled)

    • Note that the Locales below ‘fall back' to those above; but visually, the values trickle down

For more information about filling out Locale values for specific field types, see instructions below

Save your changes

To save your changes, click Save

Edit a Boolean Content Entry Field

For Boolean, select a value of either True or False

Edit a Date Time Content Entry Field

For Date, select a date in one of the following ways:

  • Click the Select date icon to select a date from the calendar

  • Enter a date in the format specified – for example, DD/MM/YYYY

For Time, enter a time in the specified format – for example, HH:MM

Date and time formats can be configured by administrators

Edit a Number (real) Content Entry Field

For Number (real), enter any real number – for example, 3.14

Edit a Number (integer) Content Entry Field

For Number (integer), enter any integer number – for example, 3

Edit a Media Item Content Entry Field

To select a Media Item, click Select media, then do the following:

  1. In the Media Picker that opens, select an existing Media Item or add a new one

  2. Click Select

[Optional] To view the Media Item, click Preview

Edit a Rich Text Content Entry Field

In the Rich Text Editor, enter a rich text value – for example ‘this is rich text’

[Optional] Use the Rich Text Editor’s tools to format text and include images and videos

The Rich Text Editor can be configured by administrators

Edit a Text Content Entry Field

For Text, enter a text value – for example, ‘this is text’

Edit a Picklist Content Entry Field

For Picklist, select one or more Picklist Items

Edit a Reference Link Content Entry Field

Reference Link fields do not have a toggle for enabling/disabling content

Link an existing entry

To link an existing Content Entry, click Link existing entry

On the Content Entry to link, click the + icon

  • The chosen entry becomes the value of the field

  • The Link existing entry and Create new entry buttons are disabled

  • The Clear button is enabled and can be used to remove the link

If the field is marked as a Reference Link Collection, you can select multiple entries to link, individually unlink, and reorder them

Create and link a new Content Entry

To create the new entry, click Create new entry

  • The Content Entry Editor switches to the new Content Entry

  • The new Content Entry appears below the current entry in the Reference Links Tree

  • Discard and Previous entry buttons appear in the title bar, on the right-hand side

Add the Content Entry as you normally would

You can return to the original entry by:

  • Clicking Discard, which discards the new entry and returns to the original one

  • Clicking Previous entry, which navigates to the original entry without discarding the new one

  • Expanding the Reference Links Tree and clicking on the original entry

For more information about how to use the Content Entry Editor, see use the Content Entry Editor

If the field is marked as a Reference Link Collection, you can create multiple new entries, individually unlink, and reorder them

Edit a linked entry

To edit a linked entry, in the field, click the Edit icon

  • The Content Entry Editor switches to the linked entry

  • The currently selected entry in the Reference Links Tree changes to the linked entry

  • A Previous entry buttons appear in the title bar, on the right-hand side

Edit the Content Entry as you normally would

You can return to the original entry by:

  • Clicking Discard, which discards the new entry and returns to the original one

  • Clicking Previous entry, which navigates to the original entry without discarding the new one

  • Expanding the Reference Links Tree and clicking on the original entry

For more information about how to use the Content Entry Editor, see use the Content Entry Editor


Some field types require Locale values to be explicitly set if enabled:

  • Boolean

  • Date Time

  • Number

  • Media Item

While others can be enabled and left empty:

  • Text

  • Rich Text

  • Picklist

Enabling a Locale value and leaving it empty is different from disabling it. An enabled, empty Locale value still counts as a value, albeit an empty one. This excludes it from being populated by fallback values.

Reference Link fields do not require a value – you don’t have to link entries

Reference Link fields do not have Locale values

Instead, they have the same linked entry or entries for all Locales

Note, however, that the linked entries themselves can be localised as normal

When you explicitly set Locale values, they cannot be populated by fallback rules; to allow fallback rules to apply to a Locale value, leave the field’s content toggled off

Note that the Set content toggle in the top-right of each field is the same as the toggle in the Configure locale values window for the currently selected Locale

(warning) Warnings

This feature is Task-protected, which means that all changes and deletions can ultimately be recovered by discarding the Task and starting a new one; however, such changes should still be carefully considered – as abandoning a Task means abandoning the rest of its changes as well

Editing a Content Entry Field changes it everywhere it is used (everywhere it’s Reference Linked)

Content Entries created inline with Create new entry that have not yet been saved are deleted when the parent clears the referencing field

🔖 References

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