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4.0 Use the Content Entry Editor

Users must be granted the Content editor permission by an administrator to access Content Entries.

👥 User Journey

Use the Content Entry Editor User Journey

📋 Setup

Select a Task

In the side menu, click Library

In the sub-menu that appears, click Content entries

In the header bar, click the expander arrow if the filter options are hidden

Click Add new entry or edit an existing Content Entry

📘 Steps

Identify the Content Entry opened from the library

The name of the Content Entry opened from the Content Entry Library is displayed in the page heading, in the top left

Identify the Content Entry currently being edited

The name of the Content Entry currently being edited is displayed in the editor heading, directly above the Content Entry’s Name, Description, and Locale

  • Note that this changes as you navigate Content Entries in the Reference Link Tree

  • The Content Entry that was initially opened via the library is indicated by a flag icon

Identify the entry’s Content Type

The name of the entry’s Content Type is displayed on the right-hand side, above the Fields area

Identify the field types

The type of each Content Entry Field is displayed in the top left of the field

Identify the field names

The name of each Content Entry Field is displayed on the left, below the field type

Collapse or expand the header (contains Name, Description, andLocale)

To collapse the header, click the Collapse header details icon, shown below:

To expand the header, click the Expand header details icon, shown below:

Collapse or expand the Reference Links Pane

1️⃣ To collapse the Reference Links side pane, click the Close menu icon, show below:

2️⃣ To expand the Reference Links side pane, click the Open menu icon, shown below:

Collapse or expand items in the Reference Links Tree

1️⃣ To collapse the children of an item, click the Collapse children icon, shown below:

2️⃣ To expand the children of an item, click the Expand children icon, shown below:

To filter the tree by search terms, enter text into the Search box

Click items in the tree to open them in the Content Entry Editor

Click the Previous entry button in the Content Entry Editor’s title bar to open the parent entry

Notice the flag icon in the editor heading, which indicates the Content Entry opened from the library

Identify where changes have been made

Edit Content Entries in the Reference Link Tree – for example, by editing the Name fields

Observe that an icon appears on the Content Entries that have changed, indicating unsaved changes

🔖 References

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