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4.0 Workflow Concept: Content Editor

Workflows are created by administrators


A Workflow is a series of approvals required before a Task Review can be completed. You can use them to ensure new content is correct and up to standard before being added to the Approved Content.

Workflow overview

A Workflow is a series of approvals required to complete a Task

The Workflow feature sets up a series of approvals required before a Task can be completed. Workflows can be used to create a multi-stage review process. This helps prevent errors and poor quality content being added to the Approved Content and ultimately live applications.

Once a Workflow is set up, each approver is required to verify they have reviewed the changes during the Task Review process.

Approving Workflows

The following diagram shows how:

  • A Task can be completed after its Workflow is fully approved.

  • A Task cannot be completed if its Workflow is not fully approved.


Only one Workflow must be fully approved to complete a Task.

Workflow Stages may each require a different number of approvals.

The order of Workflow Stages does not affect the approval process.


See the Glossary for more information.

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