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4.0 Concepts: Content Editor



A Project is a space to manage related content.


A Task is a draft working space within a Project.


A Page is made up of Components and Content Items.

Page Tree

The Page Tree is a hierarchical list of Pages. It is a visual aid only and has no effect on your content.

Page Template

Page Templates speed up the creation of Pages with pre-added Components and Content Items.


Components are the reusable blocks used to build Pages. Components may have placeholders known as Variables that content editors can use to insert Content Items when the Component is added to a Page.

Component Template

Component Templates are special Components other Components can be inserted into.

Content Entry

A Content Entry is a single unit of a particular type of content, made up of content fields


Variants are variations of a Page with different Content Items.


Locales are variations of a Page with different Content Items, where those variations are based on locale.


A Picklist is a list of values that can be used in a Content Item.


A Workflow is a series of approvals required to complete a Task.


A Release is a package of content that is ready to be used in live applications

Consumer Application

A Consumer Application is an application that uses Forrit One content.


See the Glossary for more information.

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