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Edit Page Content v3.1


The purpose of this work instruction is to provide the steps for editing content in a page.


Navigating Forrit One CMS v3.1

Working with the Page Tree v3.1

Layout Components on a Page v3.1


Create a New Component v3.1

Manage Content Library v3.1

Once you have set up a page, created the layout, and added components you will be ready to add content. To do this;

  • Open the relevant task, and navigate to the page you want to update through the Page Tree.

  • Select the Content tab, then select the variant you wish to apply to the page.

  • On the right-hand side of your screen, select the component you want to add content to.

  • Select a component, then select the Pen icon inside the component once displayed. The editable fields returned will depend on the type of content required. See the video for more information.

  • You can view your work in progress by clicking on the View Page button. Click the page expand icon to see the full page inside your browser.

  • Don’t forget to save your work, by clicking the Save button.

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