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Working with the Page Tree


The purpose of this work instruction is to provide the steps for creating a simple page in the Content Editor module of the Forrit One CMS.


Navigating Forrit One CMS

Create a New Task


Layout Components on a Page

Forrit One CMS v3.0 now contains a page tree where you can quickly organise your content edits for a task in one place. The tree gives you the flexibility of adding a tree of folders and pages within so you can group updates and changes, making it easy for you and anyone else working inside the task. The folder is limited to a maximum of ten levels at this time.

Important Note: the Page Tree serves as a framework, organizing and outlining the hierarchical arrangement of pages within the CMS system. Please be aware the tree structure does not dictate the routing of these pages.

To define the path or URL each page will follow, you must visit the Page Editor/Settings tab. This is where the routing for each page is explicitly set.

Setting Up Routes

Watch this short video to see the page tree in action.

Creating a folder

  • After selecting or creating a task from the Welcome Dashboard, you will be navigated to the Pages module in the CMS where the Page Tree will be presented for you to start your task.

  • Click on Add New Folder, and enter the name of the folder in the pop-up that appears, then select Save.

  • To edit the name of the folder, right-click on the folder and select Edit. Update the name and select Save.

Creating Pages

  • Navigate to the Pages screen from the side menu and ensure a task is selected. (When you select a task from the task dashboard the Pages screen opens automatically).

  • Click Add new page from the page tree.

  • Enter a name and route then press Save.

  • If you have entered an invalid route name, then it is not possible to save the page.

  • If you wish to base the page on a template, select the relevant template from the Page Template dropdown.

  • Pages can be put into folders using the page tree. The folder structure and the page names are completely separate from the page's route and allow users to organise pages in any way they wish.

  • After saving, the page is added to the page tree, then the page layout tab opens. The page is now ready to be built using components and content.

Clone a Page

Cloning a page can be done quickly from the page tree. In v3.1, this has been renamed to Copy to keep it in line with industry standard designs inside page trees.

  • Simply right-click on the page you wish to clone in the page tree, then select Copy from the menu.

  • Then right click again somewhere in the page tree and select Paste.

  • A popup will appear and you can add the new page name and route. This page will clone all objects and content that have been saved previously.

Next step: Layout Components on a Page

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