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4.0 Inserting a Table into the RTE

You can also use Content Entries to create tabular data that developers can use in Consumer Applications – see 4.0 Add a Content Entry

Inserting a Table into the Rich Text Editor

👥 User Journey

Inserting a Table into the Rich Text Editor

📋 Setup

4.0 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

Select Pages from the side menu

Select a Task

Select a Page

Select the Content tab

In the header bar, click the expander arrow if the filter options are hidden

Select a Locale and Variant

Select a Component with Rich Text from the list on the right-hand side

📘 Steps

Insert the table

1️⃣ Click the Insert Table button in the toolbar

2️⃣ Select the dimensions of the table

Before editing the table

1️⃣ To open the table’s editing menu (shown below), click on the table

Table Menu

Table Menu

Add a table header or footer

1️⃣ To add a table header or footer, click the Table Header and Table Footer buttons

2️⃣ [Optional] To remove the header or footer, click the appropriate button again

Add or remove rows and columns

1️⃣ To add/remove rows, click the Row button

2️⃣ From the dropdown that appears, select an option to insert or delete a row

The same can be done for adding/removing columns using the adjacent Column button

Align cell text

1️⃣ To align text within a cell, click the Horizontal Align or Vertical Align button

2️⃣ From the dropdown that appears, select a justification

Merge or split cells

1️⃣ Select cells to merge or split

2️⃣ Click the Cells button

3️⃣ From the dropdown that appears, select an option to merge or split cells

Colour cell backgrounds

1️⃣ Select the cells to colour

2️⃣ Click the Cell Background button

3️⃣ From the colour palette that appears, select a colour

Delete the table

1️⃣ Click the Remove Table button

:note: Notes

You can apply custom classes to a table if configured by an administrator

4.0 Excerpts: User Journey References

🔖 References

  1. Page Content Editor – learn how to use the Page Content Editor

  2. Media Library – learn how to use the Media Library

  3. Rich Text Editor configuration – administrators can enable and configure Rich Text Editor features

  4. Glossary

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