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4.0 Project Concept: Content Editor


A Project is a space to manage related content – for example, the content of a single application. Everything you do in Forrit One happens within the context of a Project. You can use multiple Projects to manage different sets of content – such as for separate applications.

In this section, you will learn:

  1. What a Project is

  2. What is included in a Project

  3. Why you might use multiple Projects

Project overview

A Project is a space to manage related content

It’s common for businesses to manage the content of multiple applications. Often, each such application has its own distinct content, users, and release cadences, with little or no overlap between them. As a result, it isn’t always desirable or even feasible to manage all of the content together in one place.

A Project is a space to manage related content, such as the content of a single application. In Projects, you manage Pages, Media Items, Content Entries, and more. Projects satisfy the requirement to have separate content, users, and releases in one management space. They are well isolated from other Projects – the users of one Project cannot see or manage the content of another, unless they have explicit access to both.

This makes managing the content of different applications simpler and safer: users aren’t overloaded with irrelevant content or administrative information, they don’t have to worry about accidentally leaking content intended for one application to another, and access to the Project can be finely tuned to those who actually need it.

Using multiple Projects to manage separate content

The following diagram shows how two Projects can be used to manage different sets of content.

The ‘Education’ Project contains the Pages, Components, and Media Items that are education-related and which might be used as the content of an online learning service, while the ‘Health’ Project includes health-related content – such as for hospital websites or applications.


All information created in or managed by Forrit One is saved in and segregated by Project.

User journeys

  1. Opening a Project

  2. Using the Project Dropdown


See the Glossary for more information.

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