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Creating Variants v3.1


This document is designed to explain how to manage context variants in the CMS.


Navigating Forrit One CMS v3.1

Create a New Task v3.1


Edit Page Content v3.1


A Context Variant must be configured before adding content to components on a page.

Adding a variant

To add a new variant:

  • Navigate to the Variants screen under Settings on the side menu.

  • The context variant management page opens.

  • Ensure a task is selected.

  • Click Add new variant.

  • Enter a name and description, then click Save.

Finding the variant ID

A consumer app selects which variant to use when the website is loaded. To do this, it must know the variant’s ID. This ID is visible in the grid when a variant is selected, under the label “SDK Key”. The ID is generated automatically when a variant is added and cannot be modified.

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