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3.3 Creating a Translation Job

Creating a Translation Job

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Creating a Translation Job

📋 Setup

Select a Task

Select Pages from the side menu

Select a Page from the Page Tree

Select the Translation tab in the Page Editor

📘 Steps

1️⃣ Select a Locale and Variant

2️⃣ [optional] Search to filter the Content Items

3️⃣ Select the Content Items to be scheduled for translation

4️⃣ Click Save page – a new Translation Job is created

:note: Notes

This will create a Translation Job to schedule the Content Items selected for translation; for more information, see 3.3 Locale Concept: Content Editor | The-Translation-Job-Manager

(warning) Warnings

Content Items are only translatable when:

  1. The Content Item is marked as Translatable

  2. The Content Item is a textual type – e.g. Text or RichText

  3. There isn’t already a Translation Job active in the current Task

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