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3.3 Editing a Page Layout That Uses a Page Template

Editing a Page Layout That Uses a Page Template

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Editing a Page Layout That Uses a Page Template

📋 Setup

Select a Task

Select Pages from the side menu

Select a Page that has been created using a Page Template

📘 Steps

1️⃣ Select the Content tab to view the templated Page Content

2️⃣ Select the Layout tab to add or remove Components from the Template Slots

3️⃣ Drag Components into the Template Slots

4️⃣ [optional] Configure Locales and Variants for the Components

5️⃣ Click Save page

6️⃣ Select the Content tab to view the result

:note: Notes

Pages that are created with a Page Template do not have Head and Body layout sections; rather, they have sections determined by and named after the Page Template Slots

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