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3.3 Editing a Page Layout

Editing a Page Layout

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Editing a Page Layout

3.3 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

📋 Setup

Select a Task

Select Pages from the side menu

Select a Page

📘 Steps

1️⃣ Drag Components into the Head and/or Body sections

2️⃣ [optional] Click the Undo button to reset changes

3️⃣ [optional] Search for Components

4️⃣ [optional] Click the bin icon of a Component to delete it from the Page Layout

5️⃣ Click Save when finished making changes

:note: Notes

Components can only be inserted into the section they are labelled for: Heady, Body, or both

(warning) Warnings

Deleting a Component from a Page Layout – and then saving – will lose the data that was stored in its Content Items

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