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4.0 Component Template Concept: Content Editor

Component Templates are created by developers


Component Templates are special Components you can insert other Components into. They have sections called Template Slots where you can drag and drop Components in the Page Editor. This effectively allows you to place Components within each other, rather than simply one after another.

In this section, you will learn:

  1. What a Component Template is

  2. How you use Component Templates

  3. How Component Templates compare to Page Templates

Component Template overview

Component Templates are special Components other Components can be inserted into

Component Templates function similarly to Components, serving as foundational elements in the creation of Pages. The primary distinction lies in their ability to include placeholders, referred to as Template Slots. Within these slots you can insert additional Components when building a Page.

Slotted Components are inserted within a Component Template’s own content, rather than alongside it. This means you can use Component Templates as a way to compose Components together. For example, you might use a composable form (Component Template) and slot in different form sections (Components).

Component Templates are quite different from Page Templates. Component Templates can be used to compose Components together in the Page Editor. Their Template Slots and Content Items still need to be filled out. Whereas Page Templates bring completely filled out content into the Page Editor.

Pages, Components, and Component Templates

For example, in the diagram below, a Book Now Component Template is used with an Address and Telephone Component inserted as methods of contact. However, these could be replaced with other methods of contact, such as Email and Social Media instead.

The benefits of using Component Templates

  • Composability

  • Reusability of existing content


Multiple Components can be added to each slot.

Component Template Slots do not have to be filled.

Component Templates do not have to contain slots.

Component Templates cannot be inserted into Component Template Slots.

Template Slots cannot be changed based on Locale or Variant. However, the Content Items inside slotted Components do change with Locale or Variant, as usual.


See the Glossary for more information.

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