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4.0 Configuring Locales and Variants for a Page Layout

Configuring Locales and Variants for a Page Layout

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Configuring Locales and Variants for a Page Layout

4.0 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

📋 Setup

Select a Task

Select Pages from the side menu

Select a Page

📘 Steps

1️⃣ Click Configure locales and variants for a Component

2️⃣ [optional] Use the Search bar to filter Locales or Variants

3️⃣ Select the Locales to display the Component for and click Next

4️⃣ Select the Variants to display the Component for and click Next

5️⃣ Click the ^ to expand or collapse the Locales Selected and Variants Selected summaries

6️⃣ [optional] Use the Back and Reset buttons to revise the previous steps

7️⃣ Click Close

8️⃣ Click Save page

:note: Notes

Deselecting Locales or Variants for a Component means it will not be part of the Page for those Locales or Variants

🔴 No Locale or Variant has been selected – the Component is not displayed on the Page for any Locale and Variant, and is not editable in the Content tab

🟠 Some Locales and Variants have been selected – the Component is only displayed on the Page and editable in the Content tab for those selected Locales and Variants

🟢 All Locales and Variants have been selected – this Component will be displayed on the Page and editable in the Content tab for all Locales and Variants

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