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4.0 Editing Content Items

Editing Content Items

👥 User Journey

User Journey – Editing Content Items

4.0 Excerpts: User Journey Setups

📋 Setup

Select a Task

Select Pages from the side menu

Select a Page

Select the Content tab

In the header bar, click the expander arrow if the filter options are hidden

📘 Steps

Getting Started

1️⃣ Select a Locale and Variant

2️⃣ Click on a Component in the list to edit its Content Items

Editing a Media Item

1️⃣ Click Select media

2️⃣ Click the Media Item to be selected

3️⃣ Click the Select button

4️⃣ [optional] The Clear, Preview, and Download buttons can be used to remove the selected Media Item, view the Media Item in fullscreen mode, and download the Media Item, respectively

Editing an Integer

1️⃣ Enter a positive or negative whole number into the input field

Editing a Real Number

1️⃣ Enter any whole or fractional number into the input field

Editing a Picklist

1️⃣ Click the Picklist dropdown menu

2️⃣ Select one or more values, depending on the type of Picklist

Editing Rich Text

1️⃣ Enter text into the Rich Text Editor

2️⃣ Use Rich Text Editor features – see Using the RTE: Basic Features

Editing Text

1️⃣ Enter text into the input field

Editing True / False

1️⃣ Select the True / False dropdown menu

2️⃣ Select True or False

:note: Notes

The Clear button can be used to reset fields to their default value

Content Items can be of the following types, determined by the Variable Types chosen in Components by developers:

  1. Media Item

  2. Number (integer)

  3. Number (real)

  4. Picklist

  5. Rich Text

  6. Text

  7. True / False


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