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3.3 Quickstart: Developer

Tutorial Outcome

At the completion of this tutorial, you will know how to:

  1. Open a Project

  2. Create a Task

  3. Add a Component

  4. Add a Component Variable

  5. Add a Component Collection

  6. Add multiple Collection Variables

  7. Use the Component Editor

  8. Tag your Components

These comprise the basics required to get started as a developer.

Before You Start

Before you start this tutorial, it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the developer concepts. Projects, Tasks, and Components are particularly relevant.


1. Open a Project

Open a Project to get started.

If you only have access to one Project this step isn’t applicable.

User Journey – Opening a Project

See the3.3 Opening a Project user journey for more information.

2. Create a Task

Before you can create Components, you’ll need to create a Task for them.

If a Task already exists you can select it either from the Task Dropdown or from the Task Dashboard.

User Journey – Creating a Task

See the 3.3 Creating a Task user journey for more information.

3. Add a Component

Add a Component so you can start defining content in code.

User Journey – Adding a Component

See the 3.3 Adding a Component user journey for more information.

4. Add a Variable

Add Variables so that content editors can insert Content Items into your Component.

User Journey – Adding a Variable

See the 3.3 Adding a Component Variable user journey for more information.

5. Add a Collection

Add a Collection to make a section of the Component repeatable for content editors.

User Journey – Adding a Collection

See the 3.3 Adding a Component Collection user journey for more information.

6. Add Multiple Collection Variables

See how multiple Variables are added to a Collection.

User Journey – Adding Multiple Collection Variables

See the 3.3 Adding a Collection With Multiple Variables user journey for more information.

7. Explore the Component Editor

Become more familiar with the different tools available in the Component Editor.

User Journey – Using the Component Editor

See the 3.3 Using the Component Editor user journey for more information.

8. Tag Your Components

Tag your Components so that they’re easier to find in future.

User Journey – Tagging a Component

See the 3.3 Tagging a Component user journey for more information.

Further Reading

More on Components

In this short tutorial, you’ve learned the basics of how to create and edit Components.

  1. See the Component concept to learn more about what Components are in Forrit One.

  2. See the Component user journeys for more information on how to create and edit Components and Component Templates.

Other Topics

See all developer user journeys for information about how to carry out other developer tasks, including:

Adding Picklists

Give content editors a selection of values to choose from when editing a Content Item.

See also the Picklist concept.

Adding Locales

Add Locales to a Project so that content editors can create different sets of Content Items that may be used when Pages are retrieved.

These sets of Content Items usually differ from each other based on a locale’s language or culture, and the set that is retrieved for a Page using the SDK at any one time should be based on runtime locale information.

At least one Locale must be added before content editors can edit Pages.

See also the Locale concept.

Adding Variants

A Variant is similar to a Locale in that it allows content editors to create different sets of Content Items that may be used when Pages are retrieved.

However, while Locales are intended to provide locale-based sets of Content Items, Variants are intended to provide different sets of Content Items on any basis.

See also the Variant concept.

Adding Data Feed Definitions

Add Data Feed Definitions so that content editors can create custom, structured content with Data Feed Items. These items can then be pulled down with the SDK and directly used in Consumer Applications – they cannot be used in Pages or elsewhere in the CMS itself.

See also the Data Feed concept.

Adding Routings in the Routing Manager

The Routing Manager can be used to add routings that can be used by Consumer Applications, such as external redirects and rewrites.

See also the Routing Manager concept.

Using the SDK

Learn how to use the SDK to retrieve and use Forrit One content.

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