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4.0 Quickstart: Content Editor

Tutorial Outcome

At the completion of this tutorial, you will know how to:

  1. Open a Project

  2. Create a Task

  3. Create a Page

  4. Add Components

  5. Edit Page Content

  6. Configure Locales and Variants

  7. Tag your Pages

  8. Create and publish a Release

These comprise the basics required to get started as a content editor.

Before You Start

Before you start this tutorial, it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with the content editor concepts.


1. Open a Project

Open a Project to get started.

If you only have access to one Project this step isn’t applicable.

User Journey – Opening a Project

See the 4.0 Opening a Project user journey for more information.

2. Create a Task

Before you can create Pages, you’ll need to create a Task for them.

If a Task already exists you can select it either from the Task Dropdown or from the Task Dashboard.

User Journey – Creating a Task

See the 4.0 Creating a Task user journey for more information.

3. Create a Page

Create a Page so you can start building content.

User Journey – Creating a Page

See the Creating a Page user journey for more information.

4. Add Components to the Page Layout

Drag Components into the Page Layout to build out the Page.

A developer must have already created Components for you to complete this step.

User Journey – Adding Components to a Page Layout

See the 4.0 Editing a Page Layout user journey for more information.

5. Edit Page Content

Customise the Components on your Page by editing Content Items.

A different set of Content Items can be configured for each Locale-Variant combination.

At least one Locale must be added before Page content can be edited.

User Journey – Editing Page Content

See the 4.0 Editing Page Content: Image Cards Example and 4.0 Editing Content Items user journeys for more information.

6. Configure Locales and Variants

Choose which Locales and Variants Components should be visible in.

User Journey – Configuring Locales and Variants

See the 4.0 Configuring Locales and Variants for a Page Layout user journey for more information.

7. Tag Your Page

Tag your Page so it’s easier to find in future.

User Journey – Tagging a Page

See the 4.0 Tagging a Page user journey for more information.

8. Create and Publish a Release

Create a Release containing your new Page and publish it to a staging environment.

User Journey – Creating and Publishing a Release

See the 4.0 Creating a Release From a Task and 4.0 Publishing a Release user journeys for more information.

Further Reading

In this short tutorial, you’ve learned the basics of how to create and edit Pages.

More on Pages

  1. See the Pages concept to learn more about what Pages are in Forrit One.

  2. See the Page Editor user journeys for more information on how to edit Pages.

Other Topics

See all content editor user journeys for information about how to carry out other content editor tasks, including:

Media Library

Use the Media library to store videos, images, and other files that can be used in Pages.

Audit History

View the Audit History to see a log of all user actions in the CMS.

Content Entries

Create custom, structured content with Content Entries.

Task Review

Review and approve Tasks before completing them.

Translation Jobs

Use Translation Jobs to translate content from one Locale to another using your preferred translation provider.

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